Where deep water meets the shallow, where the open ocean is bordered with rampant reef, you will find the most exciting species during your dives.
What is a Coral wall? This is a junction between the shallow waters and the deep blue abyss, where hide various types of sea inhabitants.
Top most highly recommended wall reefs to go diving around the world include:
1. Palau
Palau has long been one of the best dive destinations and this country has everything needed for wall-diving enthusiasts – coral wall begins not deep, vertically descend, and reached the seabed at great depth. Big Drop-Off (also known as Ngemelis Wall) starts so small that you stand on top of coral, your head would be on the surface of the water. An effective gap at the bottom is decorated with colorful sea lilies, soft corals, sponges and huge clouds of coral fish.
2. Little Cayman & Cayman Brac
Recreational divers first discovered the joy of wall-diving in the Cayman Islands which remain unbeated in hearts and minds of many fans of “wall diving”. In the north of the Lesser Cayman, Bloody Bay Wall – the location of some well-known in the world of dive sites, including the impressively decorated Great Wall and deep canyons Marilyn’s Cut.
3. Grand Cayman
This name became virtually synonymous with wall-diving, as the island is surrounded by superb coral walls. The most frequently visited places is the West End. Just read the names of sites along the West Wall, – Canyon Orange, Cave of the Trinity, Big Tunnels – and you immediately understand fascination. The walls are riddled with tunnels, crevices and passageways.
Terms of diving at the North Wall are more severe than in the west, especially in winter, but it is more than offset by the richness of underwater life, including rays and sharks. South Wall starts deeper than the West and North, and abundant soft corals and sponges. Walls in the west of Grand Cayman (East End) are also very beautiful.
4. Washington State
This is the first place among the places with cold water. The appearance of Washington on the list – a surprise only for divers, there has never visited. The walls in the cold water, different from in the Caribbean Sea or the tropical Pacific Ocean, but they offer no less exciting things.
Places in the Puget Sound, such as the Day Island Wall, Point Defiance, and Waterman’s Wall represent rocky cliffs, reefs and chimneys, concealing two main reasons to put on dry clothes: the giant Pacific octopus and eels.
5. Grand Turk & Salt Cay
grand turkDivers love the wall on the west side of Grand Turk, not only because of the high arches of coral and sand embankments, leading to a perpendicular divide, but also because of the close location. You are barely able to stretch suit before the boat arrives in favored places – McDonald’s and The Library. The wall near the Salt shoals are also located just 100 meters from the shore, but down 2 km.
6. British Columbia
White cirrus anemones as snow caps, covers a lot of dark rock walls popular among divers places in Canada, offering stunning views. Located near Port Hardy on northern Vancouver Island, Browning Wall us more colorful because of creatures living are orange and red anemones.
7. Cozumel
Currents, surrounding the south-western part of Cozumel, bring nutrients to feed the many inhabitants of the underwater reef. Divers flock here to swim past the walls of the classic Santa Rosa, Columbia and Punta Sur.
8. Papua New Guinea
Week, held on board in Papua New Guinea, to repay you in coral castles during the Second World, sharks and of course a great wall-diving. Out of Kavieng, Madang, Kimbe Bay and Milne Bay, you get to the walls, covered with an impressive number of corals and fish.
9. US Virgin Islands
If you want to make a wall dive in the Virgin Islands, go to the St. Croix, where the two walls are separated by yawning abyss. Salt River East – plumb and deep wall paying attention to black corals. It is notable for the narrow passageways, off of the reef from the main wall.
10. Egyptian Red Sea
Red Sea abounds with coral walls, since it is typical bottom profile with a sharp decrease near the shore. Popular places are located in Sharm el Sheikh area in the Sinai peninsula and Hurghada in southern Egypt.
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